Industry Insights

Why Your Company Needs A Disaster Recovery Plan

Your company’s data is valuable so keeping it protected and secured should be a top priority in case a disaster hits. Even with increased technology options for companies to improve their data security, there still remains a vulnerability.

BNC recommends every company have a disaster recovery plan in place to protect and recover any data that might be lost through accident or error. Here are the major risks to data security we see companies facing: 

Accidents and Human Error 

Multiple factors present a data risk that can do damage to your business IT infrastructure. Without a disaster recovery plan in place, you may find it extremely difficult to resume operation with time and quality of the recovery being concerns when data is lost. A down system with lost data can spell lost revenue for a company, and even more so when there isn’t a disaster recovery plan in place.  

Common accidental risks include forgetting to save changes, accidentally deleting an important document, or activating a switch by an unknowing employee. One recommendation is to improve training and awareness for employees, but the only way to keep your business safe after a data loss is to back-up data regularly, and enable the disaster recovery plan already prepared by the company.

It Affects Customers 

Ultimately, you need a disaster recovery plan to provide your customers the service they have come to expect from you. If your business closes, or is disrupted, you could lose business to a competitor. The faster you can get back on your feet, the happier your clients will be. 

No business is immune from the risk of losing access to their data and applications. A disaster recovery plan can help your business start restoring your operations quickly saving time and money that would be spent on resolving the breach or loss of data.

Hackers Are An Imminent Threat

Your company’s first and most immediate threat is going to come from hackers. This is an active attempt at entering your network to extract data, shut it down, or hold it ransom, hence the term ransomware. These attacks are increasingly common and with many workforces going mobile and working on cloud servers, networks are vulnerable to being hacked. 

And gaps in security are sometimes in places a company least expects it to happen. Well-intentioned employees may be doing things on the network that put it at risk, something which should be managed and prevented. The good news is that there are plenty of preventative measures that can be taken along with PEN testing a company’s network. A disaster recovery plan is the last line of defense, and ensures data can be recovered and protected in case a breach does occur.  

Keeps Data Safe 

Do you store a lot of confidential client or customer data? If so, you can’t afford to lose this data or let it slip into the wrong hands. A data recovery plan ensures that all of this information is properly stored and controlled. As a result, you don’t have to worry about damaging your brand reputation, should an unforeseeable incident arise. 

Get Started On A Plan Today 

Nobody wants to assume that something bad is going to happen to their business – and hopefully you’ll never be exposed to any of the risks highlighted in this article – but the harsh reality is that you’ll likely face one of these issues at some point in the future. 

 There’s no way to prevent a cyber-attack, natural disaster, technical malfunction or uncontrollable human error, but you can protect your business from costly data loss by investing in a solution that aids in data backup and disaster recovery. Frankly, it’s unwise to wait any longer. 

BNC is an IT consulting firm with locations with diverse industry experience that offers on-site and remote support from dedicated engineers that work directly with a company to find the best IT solutions. BNC offers anything from a more long term outsourcing consulting role to flat rate projects when a company needs a single system upgrade. Get in touch with BNC today to get expert IT consultation for your business in Denver & Dallas.



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