Industry Insights

What Small to Medium Businesses Need to Know About 5G

You’ve probably heard some buzz around the next generation of technology for mobile networks: 5G. You may have given some thought to how that might affect you, personally, anticipating faster speeds when you use your cell phone.

But 5G also has the potential to impact the way that small and medium-sized companies do business. Here are just some of the benefits:

  1. Yes, faster connectivity: The faster connectivity that comes with 5G allows businesses to fully engage with the Internet of Things (IoT).

The IoT is a network of smart objects and devices that connect with each other over the internet. For example, you may have a truck connected to the IoT, which would allow you to track deliveries much more quickly, as well as providing data that allows you to offer products and services more efficiently.

5G also reduces the vulnerability of IoT devices, making them safer to use.

  • More capacity: You’ll be able to download at vastly higher speeds, which can mean more rapid file-sharing and higher quality video meetings—a boon to any business with employees working remotely.
  • Lower latency: Latency is the time it takes for your data to move from one spot to another in your network. When response time is reduced, your employees will be able to work without lag-time or interruption.
  • Better reliability: With 4G (LTE), you may have noticed that sometimes it works great—and sometimes not so great. One of the benefits of 5G is increased network reliability and consistency.
  • Network slicing: 5G will allow for network slicing, which is a technically complicated concept. Basically, it means that your network can be sliced up to run through many virtual network connections instead of through just one.

The benefit of network slicing is that you can allocate and tailor network resources for different purposes. It’s a more efficient way to run an adaptable network.

  • Multi-access edge computing (MEC): Another complex IT model, MEC shifts computing from the cloud to the network edge, so it’s closer to the customer. This maximizes efficiency and availability.

5G allows businesses to do more with technology than ever before. To use many of the features, it’s necessary to have an expert in your corner. Business Network Consulting (BNC) provides managed IT services in Denver and in Dallas, and its consultants are up to speed on the application of 5G advantages.

BNC’s IT companies in Dallas and Denver are prepared to take on the new challenges that 5G will bring to small and mid-sized businesses’ technology strategies. For a free consultation, contact BNC. We can educate you on the ways that 5G can bring your business to the next level and design a strategy for employing new technology.

5G isn’t just a small upgrade; it’s a big leap forward. If you consult with an expert to plan for how your business uses its advantages, you will benefit.



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