Industry Insights

Top 4 Consulting Projects

To make the best decisions, the smartest people always seek expertise. A lot of business owners and managers know things are broken or could be more efficient. You know something has to change, but you don’t want to go through the endless sales pitches that overpromise and services that underdeliver. You need a consultant who will listen and be honest with you.

Here are some types of IT services & consulting that Business Network Consulting (BNC) recommends for specific issues.

Need smooth-sailing as you expand?

If you have a plan for expansion, your IT services should be ready to expand with you. CIO Consulting offers companies the ability to create a five-year IT roadmap and explore options such as upgrades or new technology.

This way, you can avoid the pitfalls that typically accompany fast-moving growth. Your company technology can grow seamlessly instead of being clumsily patched together – which inevitably leads to broken tech and downtime.

Need help with a particular project or process?

Most businesses are entirely dependent on technology, so what would happen if something went awry? Would your business need to shut down temporarily? How long would it take to get back up and running? Even short periods of downtime can cause big hassles.

If you have internal processes that could be streamlined or otherwise improved, IT Auditing is the right expert advice to seek. Or, if you have a big project coming up, and you’re unsure about your current technology’s capabilities, IT Auditing can help once again.

Concerned about your data’s security?

That’s sensible. All data is valuable to hackers, who can sell almost any information on the dark web. Or, you may do work (or want to do work) in an industry that requires additional security regulations. Security and compliance go hand and hand. To protect your clients’ data from an attack and to ensure compliance with regulations, consider Security or Compliance Consulting.

Security consultants look for both external and internal threats to data. Compliance consultants ensure and document that all standards are being met. Perhaps you’re attempting to break into a new industry or take on business from larger companies. Compliance consulting could help you earn new business with large companies that set high compliance standards.

Thinking about migrating to the cloud?

You’ve probably heard a lot about the advantages of using the cloud. It can make your data more secure, prevent data loss, and increase your employees’ ability to work away from the office. If you’re considering making a move to the cloud, Cloud Consulting is the right choice.

Cloud consultants help businesses evaluate cloud options, migrate to the cloud, and even sync software and business applications. If you’re overwhelmed by the number of available cloud options – Google Cloud, Azure, AWS, and more – a cloud consultant who understands your business needs can help you select the perfect fit for your data, software, and company size.

Businesses face challenges on a daily basis. Technology doesn’t have to be one of those issues. Figure out what kind of IT consulting is right for your business, and take advantage of the expertise that BNC has on offer. Go here to make an appointment to speak with an expert.



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