Industry Insights

Why Teams On Office 365 Is Perfect For Remote Collaboration

With stay-at-home orders recently causing an exodus for businesses to find remote collaboration solutions, mobile accessibility and collaboration are what companies are asking for, along with video conferencing that’s easy to use. Businesses looking for IT services in Denver & Dallas have a few suggested options to choose from. Zoom, Slack, & WebEx are the video conferencing tools companies think of when they want to collaborate remotely, but some aren’t aware that Office365 comes equipped with everything a company needs to have secure, remote collaboration.  

Microsoft Office365 offers Teams as a perfect remote collaboration platform for connectivity that includes live chat and video calls. Teams has the advantage over other platforms of providing file sharing and editing with seamless integration to the entire Office365 suite of programs. Sharing and editing files has never been easier on the go, with all options available on mobile devices for accessibility whenever it’s needed. 

Integration & Customization Combined With Video Calls & Chat 

It’s not just having the meeting, it’s everything you’ll need before and after that meeting too. Teams is easy to use, integrated with 365, and secure. This means file creation, editing, and sharing for all users at your company that have access to 365. Still available are programs like Word, Excel and PowerPoint, but as Office365 has grown and adapted to business’ needs, users now have the option of customization with features like creating surveys, getting the weather, and staying up to date on the news all within Office365. Customization makes Office365 a strong contender in the remote collaboration market since companies in specific industries know customization, compliance, and security need to be a priority. 

With Teams now operating as the conferencing and collaboration space on Office365, it’s aiming to be the entire online workspace for employees where they can have meetings, video conference, and edit files collaboratively while working remote. This can help reduce distractions since team members can stay in Office to browse the web or work on platforms and files within Office365. This means less switching between programs and platforms which can cause workflow disruptions and problems focusing for people on a team.  

Find Security & Customization For Your Company’s IT Needs 

Cloud services like Teams on Office365 enable accessibility on mobile devices, which can be a gamechanger for companies looking for a more agile, accessible online workspace. Office365 is integrated into the cloud which equips teams to access files, create workflows, and connect with teammates better while on the go or at work.  

Office365 also makes security and customization for security based on industry needs more available. One of cloud computing’s strengths is custom configurations based on an organization’s needs for security, which has become a strong selling point for businesses concerned about security and industry standards. 

Connect With BNC For Expert IT Services In Denver & Dallas 

BNC has provided IT services to Denver & Dallas for over two decades with top service to companies wanting the best in IT consulting for their business. With on-site and remote engineers to consult on and implement newer technology like Teams on Office365, BNC recommends Teams because we know companies want security and convenience when working on file sharing and collaboration, and that’s in the office, at home, or on the go. Get in touch with BNC today to see how we can improve your company’s online workflow and enhance collaboration remotely or in the office.  



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