Industry Insights

How Companies Are Overspending On IT Support

Getting Locked In To Long Term Contracts 

One of the most appealing aspects of BNC’s business model to our clients is that long term contracts are not a worry. Even with a contract of service that can be customized and adjusted, if it’s too long and it’s not working, then the business is wasting money on a service that isn’t completely relevant to them. This is where we see the most frustration with clients looking for Denver & Dallas IT support, they don’t want the long term contract, whether it be 12 months or 6 months, there’s a distaste that’s beyond money when it comes to getting locked into a deal that isn’t the best one for your company.  

This is why BNC takes this concern seriously, and sidesteps it with a custom service model that doesn’t lock businesses into long term contracts. We take the approach that if it’s working for a company then they’ll keep it.  

Lack Of Expertise Or Timeliness 

Bad service can be a huge money waster for businesses looking to streamline costs. Speed is the key with many IT issues. Getting to the problem as quickly as possible and addressing it saves your company money and time, especially if the system is down and your business isn’t running at 100%. If the company you’re working with doesn’t have the resources to address your problem quickly and efficiently, then it inevitably costs your business more money than it should, especially if the IT issue is causing your system to be down for an extended period of time and work can’t be done.  

Paying For Services That Aren’t Used  

The most obvious and unfortunate way we see companies overspend on their IT services is getting locked into contracts that include services the company will never use. Nothing says waste of money like paying for nothing. This could be the potential for a service, kind of like treating IT like an insurance policy. The fault in this is simply that IT doesn’t have to work like insurance where there’s an out of pocket heavier cost if a company isn’t prepared that’s exorbitantly higher than if they paid for it in a contract.  

BNC bypasses this problem with a service package that fits the company’s needs, which we understand as being different for each business.  

Treating Users Like They’re All The Same 

Beware the IT contract that treats every user the same in your company, particularly in an industry like construction. IT services for construction companies is a good example of a situation where every employee (user) might not have the same IT needs within the company, inevitably leading to paying for services with certain employees that the business will never use. 

For example, if a company has a team that is out in the field and might only require a laptop and an email account, that user’s IT needs will be very different than the accounting team at that same company. Accounting requires more software, more of an infrastructure, and more security, making that user a “more expensive” employee from an IT perspective. 



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