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Challenges in IT Service Continuity Planning

The world of IT is changing fast, and businesses are facing totally new problems when it comes to keeping their systems up and running. From crazy weather to worldwide health scares, the last few years have shown us just how important it is to have a solid plan for keeping IT services going no matter what. This blog post will dive into the big challenges businesses face when it comes to IT service continuity, and how we can learn from recent events to be better prepared for whatever comes next.


Unforeseen Global Events

Recent events like the global pandemic did a lot for IT insofar as they showed how many vulnerabilities companies have in their networks. The shift to more remote work also accelerated this. Businesses were tested in how well they could adapt and ensure uninterrupted IT service operations. For the most part, the challenge lies in foreseeing issues that will arise with changes like a pandemic. It’s highlighted the necessity for more agile and adaptable continuity plans for businesses that want to keep operations tight and secure. And the pandemic is a perfect case for something to include in an IT continuity plan.  


Dependency on Third-Party Services

Let’s face it, tons of businesses these days rely on other companies for important parts of their computer systems. It’s like having a friend help you build a shelf – it can save time, but you’re stuck if they can’t come over. The same goes for IT. While outsourcing can be a big help, it also means you’re depending on someone else to keep things running smoothly. The trick is figuring out how to handle things if that other company has a problem, because then yours might too.

Lesson learned: It’s important to really understand exactly what parts of your system rely on other companies, and to have a plan B in case something goes wrong with them. Also, make sure you can talk to them easily and quickly if there’s an issue. That way, you can minimize the damage if their problems start causing problems for you.


Cybersecurity Threats

Cyberthreats should be thought of as home break-ins but for computer networks. In the case of breaches, the data is stolen and if it’s a ransomware situation then that data is then encrypted and then ransomed for a set amount of money that the business must pay if they want their data back. Needless to say it puts businesses on their back foot and the damage is not just financial but the brand’s reputation can be on the line since customers will be notified of the breach. Often the challenge isn’t just keeping hackers out but it’s a matter of having a plan where a business can bounce back fast in the case of a breach. Of course, the key is to have a strong cybersecurity plan in place.  

Lesson learned: Companies need to make cybersecurity a top priority. This means regularly checking their systems for weaknesses, training their employees to spot suspicious activity, and having a plan for what to do if they get hacked. By taking these steps, businesses can make their IT systems much harder to crack. 


Resource Constraints

IT services can get expensive. Planning can be tough for that reason because it costs money to hire the right people to put together the right plan for your business. Often it means making compromises on the budget to place the right financial priority on security and planning.  

Lesson learned: IT continuity plans should be viewed as a future investment for your business. The cost is upfront but the work pays for itself when tragedy strikes, and this can save you a ton of headaches later down the road. Part of it is hiring the right people for the job, but also employee training can be crucial in preventing and containing any breaches that can occur. Something as simple as keeping software up to date can do wonders down the line on keeping your data secure.  


Data Center Failures and Cloud Outages

Even with giant technology advancements, data center failures and cloud service outages remain a challenge for businesses. These disruptions often come from technical issues, natural disasters, and even human error. Clicking the wrong link in a spammy email could be devastating for a business, and it could be prevented by training up front. Businesses that rely heavily on the cloud must understand the shared responsibility of being a part of a cloud network, and in turn must understand how to keep that network secure, even in minor roles.  

Lesson learned: Businesses should diversify data storage locations, enact redundancy measures, and conduct regular testing like PEN testing to make sure their data is secure in the cloud, and to prevent a total breakdown in IT service continuity.  


Regulatory Compliance and Legal Considerations

Regulatory compliance is a crucial factor in IT continuity, and it’s often one businesses struggle to keep up with, especially in highly regulated industries like medical or finance. Keeping up to date with compliance codes is one step, but implementing those properly is just as important. NIST, FINRA, and HIPAA are just three codes we handle at BNC, but there are several more that are updated regularly. Having an expert on-site can be a great first step in making sure your compliance is up to date and continuity is in place.  

Lesson learned: Organizations must stay informed about regulatory changes, conduct regular compliance assessments, and integrate legal considerations into their IT service continuity planning to avoid potential legal and financial repercussions. 


The world of IT is moving faster than ever, and keeping your systems up and running can feel like a never-ending juggling act. Between cyberattacks, crazy weather events, and even new laws popping up, there’s a lot that can trip you up. The good news is, you’re not alone! This whole IT continuity planning thing can be a real bear, and it takes some work to stay ahead of the curve.

That’s why it’s so important to learn from what’s happened in the past. Just like with any challenge, the more you know, the better prepared you are. By taking these bumps in the road as lessons, businesses can build stronger, more flexible plans. Think of it like training for a marathon – the more you prepare, the smoother things will go when it’s race day.

In the end, it’s all about being ready for anything. That means being flexible, adaptable, and always looking for ways to improve. By following these tips, businesses can build IT systems that are tough as nails and can weather any storm. In today’s uncertain world, that’s the key to keeping your company running smoothly and making sure your customers are happy!

Get In Touch With BNC

Whether you’re undertaking a big one-time project or need a project like cloud consulting in Denver, Dallas, or Austin, BNC knows what it takes to provide exemplary services tailored specifically to suit your needs. If you’re just beginning to make your list of potential vendors, learn about how we’re different from typical cloud consulting in Denver then contact us for a free consultation. We’re more than happy to talk about how we can work together.



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