Why Your Staff is Your First Line of Defense Against Cyberattacks

Historically, cybersecurity has been viewed as a purely technological challenge, relegated to the IT department to handle. However, this narrow view is becoming increasingly outdated. Cybersecurity is fundamentally a business problem that demands a comprehensive, people-focused strategy.   The Human Element in Cybersecurity Contrary to popular belief, most cyberattacks exploit human vulnerabilities rather than technological […]

How AI Can Support SMB Cybersecurity

Statistics are showing small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks, yet these businesses often lack the resources and expertise to combat sophisticated cyber threats effectively. The good news is that AI is emerging as a game-changer, offering powerful tools and solutions to bolster SMB cybersecurity defenses.    The Growing Cyber Threat […]

What SMBs Need to Know About Endpoint Protection

From malware and ransomware to phishing attacks and data breaches, the need for robust endpoint protection has never been more critical. But what exactly is endpoint protection, and why is it essential for SMBs? Let’s dive into the basics.    What is Endpoint Protection? Endpoint protection refers to a system of security measures designed […]

How SMBs Can Prevent Social Engineering Cybersecurity Attacks

SMBs are facing a growing number of cybersecurity challenges as hackers sift through the internet to find victims to exploit. Among these, social engineering attacks stand out due to their ability to exploit human weakness, and it’s often not a kind of attack that people outside of IT would think happen, but they do. Understanding […]

Cloud Maintenance Is Very Important (Yet It’s Commonly Overlooked By Businesses)

Ask any IT professional on a cloud computing career path what their favorite part of maintenance is, and they’ll likely tell you it’s applying patches. Okay, maybe not. Patching might not be the most glamorous aspect of a career in cloud computing, but it is absolutely essential. Patching involves applying updates to operating systems, service […]

[Webinar] Top Cybersecurity Challenges For SMBs In 2024

In BNC’s first-ever webinar, Kevin and Adam explore the evolving landscape of cybersecurity, focusing on the specific threats and challenges faced by SMBs. This webinar dives deep into the critical cybersecurity challenges small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) will face this year. Watch the Webinar: Click the video below to watch the full webinar and arm […]

The Role of Password Managers in Business Security

With the increasing number of online accounts and applications that businesses rely on, managing passwords effectively has become crucial. Password managers are indispensable tools that enhance business security by helping organizations handle passwords securely and efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll explore the critical role of password managers in business security, their benefits, and best […]

Managing Passwords Safely in Google Chrome: Best Practices

Managing passwords safely is critical for both individuals and organizations. Passwords are the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your accounts and data. However, with the increasing number of accounts that users need to manage, remembering all passwords can be challenging. Google Chrome offers built-in features that make managing passwords easier and more […]

Essential Password Security Best Practices for SMBs

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are increasingly reliant on technology to operate efficiently. However, with this dependence comes the need for robust cybersecurity practices, especially when it comes to password security. Weak passwords are a common entry point for cyberattacks, making it imperative for SMBs to implement and enforce strong password security measures. Here are […]